Upcoming Events and Important Updates Browse the latest information at a glance to stay up to date on Manchester Township happenings!
Planning Commission Position
Manchester Township is seeking a qualified resident to serve on the Manchester Township Planning Commission. Members of the Planning Commission are volunteer residents who serve an initial four-year term and/or the completion of unfulfilled term. The open term is from January 1, 2025, to December 31, 2029.
The primary function of this five (5) person body is to review and make recommendations to the Board of Supervisors on plans submitted to the township for conformance with the ordinances of Manchester Township. In addition to the plan reviews, the Planning Commission may also make recommendations to the Board of Supervisors regarding requests for zoning changes, amendments to the zoning or subdivision and land development ordinances, and updates to the township’s Comprehensive Plan.
Interested residents should submit a letter to the attention of Timothy James, Township Manager, 3200 Farmtrail Road, York, PA 17406 or email r.vega@mantwp.com by December 17, 2024. If you have questions or need more information, please contact Zoning/Planning Officer Rachel Vega at 717-764-4646.
Additional information can be found under the Government navigation tab of our website in the Boards & Commissions section. (https://www.mantwp.com/boards-commissions)
Manchester Township Board of Supervisors Virtual Meeting Information
Manchester Township is offering a virtual option for residents to attend our monthly Board of Supervisors’ meeting. The meeting will be available through the Zoom platform using the link below. Our meeting agenda is located on under the Government tab on the home page – Meetings & Agendas.
Residents will not be able to ask questions or speak during the meeting, however, and should plan to attend in person with any questions or concerns for our Board of Supervisors. If you have questions regarding the meeting format, please call the office at 717-764-4646 ext. 101.
York Area United Fire and Rescue – Survey for Strategic Plan
York Area United Fire and Rescue (YAUFR) is in the midst of developing a Strategic Plan for the next five years, which will guide their projects, programming, and services and they are asking for assistance from their community stakeholders. Their goal is to have a plan that provides them direction from the community based on the community members’ expectations and experiences with the YAUFR department.
How can you help?
- Using the link in this post, complete the survey created by their Strategic Planning Consultant
- Share this post, or at least the link, with your contacts who are serviced by the YAUFR department
- Let YAUFR know if you would be interested in participating in any other way in helping shape the future direction of your fire department.
Thank you for your assistance and interest in helping make York Area United Fire and Rescue the best department it can possibly be.
Glo Fiber Internet Line Construction in Manchester Township
Glo Fiber, powered by Shenandoah Telecommunications Company (“Shentel”) will be installing direct fiber-to-the-home internet connections in Manchester Township. Several of our neighboring municipalities are also working with Shentel to bring this service to both residential and commercial customers.
Construction is scheduled to start on June 6th and will begin on PennDOT roadways. The construction phases will be posted on the township Facebook page as well as through the Savvy Citizen app (see the download information at the bottom of this page for Savvy Citizen).
As part of the construction process, there will be flags to mark utilities in yards and roadways. Please do not remove or move these flags.
If you experience any concerns or have questions, please visit their website by using the link below or call 866-997-6474.
Comprehensive Plan Information
Manchester Township, North York Borough, and Conewago Township have been working on a comprehensive plan. The plan began in July of 2023 and has progressed to the plan development phase. As part of the plan development phase, we are holding public meetings to gather resident input. Manchester Township held a meeting on March 26th.
We will continue to add information as the plan progresses. Please see the links below for more detailed information:
Multi Municipal Public Engagement Presentation
Public Meeting Engagement Activities